obeying the ‘fear thy neighbour’ commandment we win a soap hoarse
with barbed wire blood cells we resurrect in Saint Marcus’ Square during a flooding
lost in her bed she is taken to sea by shiny birds and letters
as he walks backwards he slowly loses all his colours
then the child drew a circle and filled it with night
at sunrise the stone in his throat moved a sparrow and a fever vision
adlydende ’frygt din næste’ budet vinder vi en sæbehest
med pigtrådsblodceller genopstår vi på Markuspladsen under en oversvømmelse
faret vild i sin seng tages hun til havs af skinnende fugle og bogstaver
mens han går baglæns mister han langsomt sine farver
så tegnede barnet en cirkel og fyldte den med nat
ved solopgang flyttede stenen i hans hals en spurv og et febersyn